Exucubic Nest, 2018, spray on the wall, Wola, WARSAW
Enhancements, 2018, spray on the wall, Wyścigi, WARSAW
Full White, Galeria Kuratorium, 2014, Warsaw Exuberant, 2014,
spray on the wall, F[R]AME festival, WOLSZTYN Proembrion - Yellow, 2012, spray on the wall , Wola, WARSAW
Proembrion - Blue, 2012, spray on the wall , Bemowo, WARSAW Proembrion, 2009, spray on the wall, Ręką Dzieło, DOBRE MIASTO, POLAND Pr(o)embrion, 2004, spray on the wall, OLSZTYN, POLAND Alfa Spectrum RoemAlfa, 2003, spray on the wall, OLSZTYN, POLAND ROOOOOOEMONEALFA2BC, 2002, Olsztyn, Poland